

Posted by vick shindano on

Change as we know it, isn't easy. The process of accepting change can be difficult and takes patience and discipline to welcome change into our daily life. The youngest MVP in league history has embodied this discipline.   

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Brodie!! Why Not!

Posted by vick shindano on

Grind, hustle, execution

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40K Vibes!! King shit

Posted by vick shindano on

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Skill set & Confidence

Posted by vick shindano on

If you disagree with the fact that James Harden's skill set and confidence change the game, I can't really call you an NBA enthusiast. This man changed the game with his ability to create on the perimeter like nobody we've ever seen. Not Kobe, Jordan or LeBron can see him in this aspect. There's a lot of haters and dick riders but one thing we can't ignore is how special James Hardens MVP run was and just how impactful it was to the game of basketball. James Harden is the system and that has been proven in his IQ and...

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Posted by vick shindano on

Mamba mentality and the discipline it takes to achieve greatness as the late Kobe Bean Bryant taught us. Kobe as a five time NBA champion knew what it took to be the best in world at his craft. He had the discipline that most NBA players didn't. He was up at 4am mastering his craft while his peers partied and slept in. He stayed discipline to the daily workout routine that produced results and didn't comprise that  for nothing. The mental sharpness and focus to this process is what ultimately led him to his goal of winning multiple NBA championships.

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